It’s Never Too Late to Start Healthy Habits

As you come home, dragging your feet through the door after a long day, it is nice to kick up your feet, pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy your favorite TV show. As you sit there, however, your mind wanders as you slowly start to dread the next day.  Maybe a deadline is coming up and it's stressing you out or you simply feel overwhelmed with all the problems you face in your daily life. Either way, it saps your energy levels and all you want to do is sleep your problems away. Finding time to exercise in your daily life can be hard, however building good habits can be easy, starting with 20 minutes per day.

         Energy and exercise go hand in hand. In fact, in an article posted by Harvard Medical School, doctors found that exercise boosts energy levels due to better oxygen circulation, allowing your body to use energy more efficiently. Getting started doesn’t have to look like all these fitness influencers counting calories and working out for 2-3 hours per day six days a week. Actually, getting started can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, waking up twenty minutes earlier to cook yourself a healthy breakfast, or even doing push-ups or sit-ups during commercials of your favorite TV program. Through these good habits you’ll find yourself to be more encouraged to build other good habits, compounding them into a healthy, fit lifestyle.

         Transitioning to a healthier, more proactive lifestyle can seem daunting at first, but it starts with small changes instead of a massive one. Through these changes you’ll find yourself more energetic, and satisfied. You’ll look forward to the days ahead, ready to tackle any problem or obstacle you face. Start today!

Devani Rodabaugh